gallerypic10Barbecue is as American as muscle cars, John Wayne, and football. Most of us have the BBQ basics down, but there’s a whole Jeopardy episode’s worth of BBQ facts waiting to be learned! We’ve gathered some of our favorite BBQ facts to share with you today. Don’t forget, if you’re craving BBQ in Waco, come on down to Coach’s Smoke.

Five Tasty BBQ Facts

You can thank stingy, late-1800s cattle barons for brisket.

Cattle barons of this age didn’t want to feed their cowboys the good meat, so they threw them the briskets instead. The cowboys quickly figured out if they cooked the brisket for a long period of time over low heat, it wasn’t just something to eat, it was delicious.

”Barbecue” likely comes from the Caribbean Islands.

That’s right. It’s highly likely that our word “barbecue” comes from the Caribbean Island natives, as their word was barabicu.

Whoever built Stonehenge loved barbecue.

Archaeologists have found that the diets of the people who built Stonehenge involved ample amounts of barbecue. They’ve unearthed traces of beef and pork near Stonehenge, too!

Pre-Civil War Southerners ate approximately 5 pounds of pork to every 1 pound of beef.

While beef is a very popular choice for BBQ today, Southerners preferred pork back before the Civil War because pigs were much easier to raise than cattle. Oh, and pigs are delicious, too.

McDonald’s hasn’t always served what they serve today.

Long before the Big Macs and Bacon-Egg McMuffin, McDonald’s was actually a barbecue drive-in. Can you guess what it was called? McDonald’s Bar-B-Que.

Craving some BBQ in Waco? Head on down to Coach’s Smoke to get yourself some delicious barbecue.